A Beginner's Guide to Tasting Liquor: Tips and Tricks

A Beginner's Guide to Tasting Liquor: Tips and Tricks

Posted by Liquid Library on 8th Mar 2023

If you're new to tasting liquor, you might feel a little intimidated or unsure about where to start. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can learn to savor and appreciate the nuances of different types of liquor. Here is a beginner's guide to tasting liquor:

  1. Choose Your Liquor: Decide on which type of liquor you want to taste. Start with something you enjoy, or pick something you've never tried before. You can taste different types of liquor, such as whisky, rum, vodka, gin, brandy, tequila, or wine.
  2. Use a Clean Glass: Choose a clean glass that is appropriate for the type of liquor you are tasting. For example, use a stemmed glass for wine, a shot glass for tequila, and a whiskey tumbler for whisky. A clean glass will ensure that you can fully appreciate the aroma and taste of the liquor.
  3. Observe the Color: Observe the color of the liquor in the glass. The color can give you a clue about the age and type of the liquor. For example, whisky can be pale or dark, depending on its age and type.
  4. Smell the Liquor: Before tasting the liquor, take a moment to smell it. Swirl the glass gently to release the aroma. The aroma can give you clues about the liquor's age, type, and quality. For example, whisky can have a smoky or fruity aroma.
  5. Taste the Liquor: Take a sip of the liquor and let it sit on your tongue for a few seconds. Swirl it around in your mouth to fully appreciate the taste. Pay attention to the different flavors and notes, such as sweetness, bitterness, acidity, and spiciness. Take note of the aftertaste as well.
  6. Use Water or Ice: You can add a small drop of water or ice to the liquor to dilute it and make it easier to sample. This can also help bring out the flavors and aromas. Be careful not to add too much water or ice, as this can change the flavor of the liquor. In particular, ice can cool the spirit too far, and may have a deminishing effect on aromatic notes.
  7. Take Notes: Take notes on your tasting experience. Write down the color, aroma, taste, and aftertaste. This can help you remember what you liked and disliked about the liquor and help you compare different types of liquor.

Remember that tasting liquor is a personal experience, and there are no right or wrong answers. The most important thing is to enjoy and appreciate the experience.